Image via Wikipedia
Welcome to Mayja's World
In addition, I am a WoW gamer. So, you'll see some gamerspeak in here as well. :P
To Michael:Your music has inspired me since I was a very young child. I collected your vinyl albums and your 45 hit singles. I still have your cassettes and CD's. And now your music lives in my ZEN MP3 player. No matter what the medium may be, your music will persist throughout time.
Your originality and talent have touched the world. And now that you are gone, there is an emptiness and a void that cannot be filled.
Thank you for the hits that I jammed to in my bedroom, that flooded my parent's basement at my parties, and rocked the house at school dances.
You will be missed.
Here is an excellent compilation of Michael's legacy on YouTube.
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Image by Getty Images via Daylife
It's got that whole spy connotation to it: James Bond, 007. Secret Agent Man. How neat is that? But once you get past the title, what does it mean? What do I do?
That's the point, really. It's catchy, it's cool, and it forces you to ask me those questions so I can start my sales pitch:
We provide free "key" business expense analysis for small to medium size companies. We look at their benefit/insurance plans and their telecommunications setup. We have our specialists review exactly what they're getting for their money and how we can get them the same or better services for less.
Who pays us? Our money comes from a consortium of local companies that have signed on to provide the services at lower prices.
Pretty neat, eh?
Once I make a connection with a company and they agree to participate with the free analysis, that's where my job is done. I receive my commission for setting up the appointment and creating a warm lead with my marketing skills. I will then also receive commission for any of the products/services they decide to switch to once the analysis is complete.
Not bad, not bad.
We'll see how this all plays out. It's intriguing, and I'm going to see where this goes.
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During this second interview, it was as an enjoyable a conversation as it was the first time around. Yet, I could tell that the recruiter was struggling with something. She still wasn't convinced that I would be the best person for the job. Her concern was that my customers (current and potential renters) were not as high a caliber as I was. "You have a college degree, and these are mostly blue collar workers," she explained.
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This is bad - I have two cats. I wonder if this is just an 89% chance that one will kill me or will it be a combined effort?
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I thought this was a great post to include here from my friend's blog: The learning curve ll Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Awareness. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Awareness. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Awareness. Blame. Blame. Blame. Blame. Awareness. Blame. Blame. Blame. Shift.
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It's always great to pull out a photo album and flip back through the events and memories of good times. What's funny is when it's a compilation of screenshots from your online world.
Here's our victory shot over Gruul (I'm standing front and center and my hubby is the warlock sitting on the far right):
Image by assbach via Flickr
It's infuriating when you're in a hurry and everyone in front of you... isn't.
I had an interview scheduled for 9am this morning. It takes 5-10 minutes tops to reach downtown and park. I left the house running at 8:58am.
I must have cursed the names of five major automotive brands (VW, Saab, Ford, Honda and Kia) along the way because that was the only way to identify each individual in my way.
These people were literally driving in their own worlds with their own rules of the road. Some zig-zagged across the lanes while others would line up with each other and just crawl.
Most would say that it's my fault for falling behind schedule, but not this time. My interviewer had promised to email me the time/place for the interview on Friday afternoon.
Well, he didn't. And I had to catch him on the phone at 8am this morning to confirm that time and place.
By the time I got to my interview, I was running 7 minutes late (it took me 9min to get there). The good news is that it wasn't a one-on-one, and he had already begun talking with the other candidate.
Everything went well and I felt confident as I left the building, but I still had that residual "ARGH!!!" feeling grinding in the back of my teeth.
I like eggs - real eggs, not this Egg Beater/Egg White crap. Granted, I see the health benefits associated with both of these products. However, the idea of choosing an "egg product" over the real deal just puts me off. Not to mention, they cost more at the restaurant! And to be honest, every penny counts when both of the bread winners of the house are unemployed. The extra $.75 for egg beaters/whites adds up fast.
What's interesting is how the company describes Egg Beaters on their website,
"When you separate the yolk and use just the white of the egg, you lose important nutrients found in the yolk. Egg Beaters Original adds these nutrients back in, providing an even better nutritional value."
Ack! So, they take out the good stuff and put it back with a chemical version. I guess if you're an egg fanatic and must have them on a daily basis, have at it. They do reduce your fat/cholesterol intake. But for me, there is no substitute for the real thing.
If you're going to eat an egg, just eat the egg. Don't beat around the bush with this other stuff. If you're freaked out about the health risks associated with real eggs, don't eat them all the time. Enjoy them in moderation.