I decided on Wednesday (3.13.13) after work to drive down Van Dyke to Reef Solutions and check out their store. I've been reading a lot about them on the Michigan Reefers forums and it was all positive. Plus, everyone said that they have an excellent display of corals and fish.
Immediately after entering the shop, I was greeted by Marie, who is one of the owners. She was placing newly shipped corals into different dipping buckets to remove bad hitchhikers before placing them into the display tanks. I was the only one in the store and we starting talking about my new tank, what I hope to do with it and the like. The next thing I knew, she was bagging two tiny little corals for me for FREE! She simply said, "Let's see how these babies do in your tank."
The top photo is from the day I placed it into the tank. The bottom photo is how it looks today:
Purple Mushroom
Green Zoanthid
As you can see, they are small... for now. They should get bigger, especially that mushroom. It's already starting to spread pretty well across that rock.
Thank you Reef Solutions for two awesome starter corals!
2 hours ago